Change Your pH and Improve Your Teeth and Gums!

Alkalize mouth and body!

If you read my newsletters, blog, or books, you know a healthy mouth is a non-acidic, neutral, or alkaline mouth, with a pH 7.0 or above. Tooth roots begin to dissolve as this pH gets a tiny bit below neutral (at pH 6.5) and, when acidity levels dip to pH 5.5 or lower teeth will erode, become discolored, and be at risk for cavities. All acidity weakens teeth, but it is the amount of time that acids are in contact with teeth that determines the severity of the damage. Erosion and decay are worse when people sip drinks or nibble acidic foods. For healthy teeth, exposure to acidity must be kept to a minimum. Teeth actually become stronger and re-mineralize when the mouth is alkaline at a pH 7.5 or above.

Your saliva pH

People with acidic saliva often experience dental problems because their own saliva damages teeth. These folks wonder why they have uncontrollable cavities, broken fillings, gum recession or sensitivity, despite their efforts to brush and floss. The solution is to protect teeth with xylitol, and find ways to alkalize the mouth as often as possible. Zellies 100% Xylitol Mints and Gum are an immediate solution for mouth acidity, changing the mouth pH quickly into a safe zone.

How long does xylitol protect teeth from acidity?

The answer depends on the pH of your “natural” saliva. Saliva filters into the mouth, derived from body liquids, which reflect the pH and chemistry of your body. The effects of stress, hormone changes, sleep deprivation, and poor nutrition makes saliva acidic. As acidic saliva flows into the mouth it will negate the alkalizing benefit of xylitol. People with acidic saliva may need an individualized xylitol regimen to protect their teeth adequately. If your salvia is naturally alkaline, one or two Zellies mints after eating or drinking will usually be sufficient to protect teeth from food or drink acidity.

How eating affects mouth pH

All the food we eat and the drinks we drink change mouth pH. Mouth pH can fluctuate wildly, from the strong acidity of citrus fruits, juices, and wines (pH 2.2 or lower) to the alkaline pH of chicken soup and salty nuts (pH 8.5 or higher).

Pure xylitol (like Zellies Mints, Zellies Gum and Zellies Bears) prevent cavities by helping turn an acidic mouth into an alkaline mouth, in minutes. The best time to benefit from xylitol is to eat one or two mints, a ZellieBear, or xylitol gum at the end of every meal, drink or snack.

How to alkalize your saliva

The pH of fluids circulating around the human body (including the saliva in your mouth) register in a narrow pH range. The pH of blood should be approximately pH 7.3 (slightly alkaline) while healthy saliva should register 7.0 (neutral). When the pH of body fluids is alkaline and above 7.0 it indicates an oxygen-rich environment (which is an ideal state for good health). When pH levels are below 7.0 (acidic) this indicates an oxygen-deprived environment, which primes our body for disease and our teeth for de-mineraliztion and cavities. Xylitol helps defend teeth by alkalizing the mouth. However, for total health, it is important to work to alkalize your body. Doing this, will not only benefit your health but it will help to alkalize saliva for additional mouth and tooth protection.

Natural saliva variation

There are times in life when, no matter what you do, saliva seems to become acidic. The hormones of pregnancy appear to change saliva and put women’s teeth at risk for acidic damage. Stress and sickness also create times of mouth acidity. Other variations occur like a rhythm, with daily fluctuations in pH and flow rate (diurnal variation). Saliva is least protective at night and in the early hours and most alkaline and protective in the afternoon.

Improving saliva pH

You can achieve improvement in saliva pH by making lifestyle and habit adjustments (reduce stress, exercise, sleep etc), and you can also influence saliva pH by selecting specific foods to eat, foods to help “alkalize” the body. As we digest foods, their by-products or nutrients are absorbed into our body. Not all food provides good nutrients, and some create acidic by-products that work against us. Most experts agree we need at least 80% of our daily foods to be the kind that help us maintain a neutral or alkaline body pH.

Wasting time

If you eat alkalizing veggies and fruits, your body will not fully benefit from them without the correct enzymes to mange the absorption of their nutrients into the body. Some fermented and raw foods provide enzymes, but these may not be adequate. If you have a good diet, I often recommend additional raw probiotics (pill form) pineapple (bromelain), and papaya (papain) – perhaps a little at each meal – to ensure maximum nutrition for your body and mouth.

Don’t get confused!

The most confusing detail is that one or two products that alkalize the body are, in fact, acidic in the mouth. The two best examples are:

a)    Lemons are one of the best products to alkalize your body, but they have such a low pH in the mouth, drinking lemonade can destroy teeth.

b)    Spinach is good to alkalize the body, but the oxalic acid in spinach can destroy the healthy pellicle on teeth and make them sensitive.

If you eat lemons or spinach –be sure to incorporate them into meals and end the meal with some Zellies Xylitol. Fortunately many alkalizing foods are not damaging to teeth: foods like watermelon, asparagus, mushrooms, mango, apples, and garlic.

Foods and drinks to avoid

Many popular soft drinks create body acidity and feed acid-producing bacteria in the mouth, promoting gum disease and cavities. These drinks contain acids plus lots of sugar and/or high fructose corn syrup. The worst may be carbonated soft drinks– especially if they contain additional caffeine.

Addicted to soda?

People with gum disease often have a kind of bacteria in their mouth that affects their taste buds, making water unpalatable. If you dislike water, and have bad gums, try adding one teaspoons of xylitol into water and sip this, in place of soda, for a week. You may find your taste buds recover and your desire for soda is reduced. Limiting or eliminating soda will be good for your gums, teeth and body health!


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For more information on oral health and xylitol, please visit all of Dr. Ellie’s web-sites: – learn more & order your Zellies Xylitol & the Complete Mouth Care System
Dr. – a great resource for learning more about oral health & Dr. Ellie
Dr. E Oral Health Coaching – articles, resources and videos to help you learn more

Join the conversation online on the Zellies Facebook page!

Categories: Acidity, Cavities, Natural Solutions, Prevention, Xylitol

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  • Lois says:

    Excellent article that I’ll share with my coffee-sipping and Diet Coke-drinking husband!

  • […] To alkalize your mouth (read article: Change Your pH and Improve Your Teeth and Gums!) […]

  • Would you recommend going this detailed when educating my patients on their teeth and gums? I did like the “addicted to soda” section and I preach it daily but these other areas are just as good but I fear my patients wouldn’t understand or care. Thanks!

    • Most patients believe they can prevent cavities by 1) brushing teeth and 2) going to the dentist regularly.
      You know a dentist has no power to prevent cavities, and that the only help a toothbrush provides is from the paste on the brush. I am convinced the best toothpaste is Crest Cavity Protection. If you can get patients to buy this paste ( and it is not expensive) I think you do them a huge favor. If they won’t use ACT rinse – suggest they make their own “rinse” from toothpaste residue – swishing it around their mouth before they spit out. Zellies mints are easy to use, and people quickly understand they protect teeth after drinking coffee, tea, snacking or eating…….When patients see results from two simple changes, they may be more motivated to try the rest of the system.

    • Gem says:

      I WISH a dentist had taught me about this a long time ago! I am a bit of a “studier” but I think most people would at least take some of the lessons in. 🙂

    • Susan D Drake says:

      Find an easier wsy of explaining.most dugar free gum ha xylitol. One can rinse with baking soda at night…i have found that helps a lot.

      • Many people use baking soda – but I have found that it often causes gum recession – especially for older ladies. The problem with baking soda is that it is extremely alkaline and therefore caustic to the protein layer that protects the surface of teeth and the attachment of gum tissue. Women can have trouble re-forming this protein layer once it has been removed – and that is when recession can become a problem. If it works for you – great…but I cannot endorse because I have witnessed so much damage.

  • […] fillings, worn enamel, weak teeth, or patients themselves, because most dental damage is caused by acidity. Acidity can be from drinks, from the breakdown of sugars (that become acids) or from acidic saliva […]

  • […] Test saliva often and try to understand your mouth acidity. […]

  • Aymé says:

    Great information..! Can’t thank you enough~. 🙂

  • lspacetraveler says:


    I keep finding the statement that a healthy mouth is “alkaline at a pH 7.5 or above”. How much “above” is okay? How about for a product applied to the teeth – like a mouthrinse?


    • I wish there was more research on this subject – but we know that acidic mouth conditions generally promote the growth of acidic-loving bacteria – which are plaque bacteria (mainly Strep. mutans).Tipping the mouth conditions to alkaline suppresses these, and promotes a healthier mouth ecosystem. What happens above pH 7.5 is not known.

      In addition we know that to favor natural remineralization and support of tooth-health, the conditions around the teeth need to be alkaline ( around pH 7.5 has been suggested). How much more alkaline can conditions be and still get remineralization – not known. However, I am certain that baking soda is not helpful because it dissolves protein layers from teeth. Salt water and chicken broth, however, is an old favorite for mouth health, and is, of course, very alkaline.

      The caveat is that, in the presence of fluoride, mineralization will occur in a more acidic pH. The remineralization supported by fluoride forms a more acid-resistant enamel crystal. This is why ACT does not make your mouth alkaline – but slightly acidic – but in this situation it is OK and actually a benefit.
      Hope this convoluted answer is helpful!

      • Why do bacteria love acid? I thought they loved eating sugar and excreting acid?

        • Not all bacteria love acid…but acid-producing ones do!
          Harmful cavity-forming bacteria bathe themselves in acids that they excrete – but they are happy if you provide an acid bath for them!

          There are over 800 kinds of bacteria in the mouth. We need the healthy ones and it appears these are the ones that don’t like acids.
          This is why our goal to grow “good” and beneficial bacteria is achieved by “tipping” the pH of the mouth as often as possible to alkaline.
          I prefer my clients think about “growing” good bacteria – rather than fighting the few bad ones.
          When we establish a protective biofilm on teeth it will protect teeth from from chemical, thermal, and mechanical damage and even resist infection. Nature is pretty cool!

  • Noreen says:

    Wife has been taking a product that claims to remove bone spurs by keeping her body acidic. However she has diabetes and being acidic is not good for that! We are between a rock and a hard place of what to do in her present state! How can this mess be straighten out?

    • Bone spurs are usually an indication of weak bones trying to help themselves in an unusual way. They grow extensions instead of making themselves internally strong. Often poor diet is involved and also insufficient exercise. Acid is sometimes suggested to help absorption of calcium and other nutrients during digestion.

      I do not make dietary recommendations for general health problems, but I do think a nutritious diet, avoiding soda drinks (especially artificially-sweetened coke Zero etc.) and taking good supplements will help over time. Xylitol is a great sweetener for your wife – since it is diabetic safe, and when eaten after meals will protect teeth from acidity. Xylitol has also been shown to help prevent osteoporosis and repair weakened bones in a number of animal studies.

  • Rayanna says:

    Most mouth washes and rinses that claim to rebuild teeth and strengthen gums usually exhibit an acidic pH of around the 3 – 5 range. Would you recommend avoiding these rinses and moving towards rinses that are at a basic pH (around 8 range) to counteract naturally occurring acidic saliva?

    • I recommend a system that promotes remineralization with a short and temporary drop in pH through the use of acidic Listerine followed by ACT mouth wash. The slight dehydration of the tooth surface plus the acidity creates new enamel crystals that are more acid-resistant. These tooth crystals produce stronger enamel, a more resistant enamel and a smother enamel that attracts less plaque to its surface. For more information about the Complete Mouth Care System I recommend please visit my site on this LINK

  • Kevin says:

    Can I receive an opinion on this toothpaste? Below is a link to an article about it. Is there validity to the claims made?

    Coral LLC Coral White Toothpaste Mint

    • Thanks for the message. I have no experience with the toothpaste you mention, but I doubt it does any harm ( which is better than most toothpaste!). I only recommend products that I know work.

      You could try this paste ( if your teeth are healthy) but if you already have dental problems, I suggest the Complete Mouth System that I have recommended for decades and that I know gives incredible benefit and improvements.

  • gothamette says:

    What studies support your claim that baking soda dissolves the protein layers of the teeth?

  • Kriti says:

    I am 18 yrs old girl but my teeth have been decaying since 3 to 4 yrs! I had a big cavities in my front teeth which I got filled! I have medical history of cough problem( childhood asthma).When I asked my dentist about what is casing my teeth to decay she said that I am getting the side effects of all the allopathic medicines and hospitalization of childhood. I am not alcoholic, I don’t eat chocolates(I don’t like them),nor do I drink soft drinks.As per my doctor’s advices I even started taking extra care of my teeth but now my one more tooth has started to decay! Plz !Plz!Plz! help me!!!! I don’t want my teeth to decay any more! I have habit of eating a lot of sweets! But I do clean my teeth after eating them( and even brush twice a day).Suggest me somethings to increase basicity of my mouth. I won’t eat sweets anymore!!! Reply as soon as possible its urgent!!

    • I want to tell you so many things but I’ll keep it to four!
      1. Eat and drink only 5 times a day – eat sweets as part of meals, and DO NOT eat them after or between meals. The same thing with drinks – even water! Drink and eat at meals and end with xylitol (if you live in the US – get Zellies!)
      2. Use Crest Cavity Protection Toothpaste – nothing else – no whitening – no baking soda – plain old Cavity Protection Crest.
      3. Either use my Complete Mouth Care System (ideal) or at least rinse after brushing with ACT (or a dilute 0.05% sodium fluoride rinse)
      4. Do not drink or eat for at least an hour after you have cleaned your teeth – especially do not eat or drink before sleeping.

      • Kriti says:

        Hi, thanks for the reply! My doctor is an Homeopathic one. He has prescribed me -Gum Forte Gel toothpaste just two days before. Would this one be effective? And has even given me a liquid for rinsing before sleeping at night. I don’t know it’s name!

  • Sonja Christopher says:

    I have Sogren’s syndrome. Assuming you are well-acquainted with this autoimmune disease and it’s potentially disastrous effects on teeth because of the dry mouth, would you have any modifications for, or reservations about, my using your Complete Mouthcare System?

    • I am sorry that you have to deal with the complications of Sogren’s syndrome. I have worked with many patients who have this condition and also with Scleroderma patients – a somewhat related condition. I do not suggest any modifications – except perhaps to go easy with the length of Listerine rinsing at first, because your teeth are probably quite sensitive. You may find either the mints or the gum preferable – and the flavors may be something you test and try to find the Zellie’s that you prefer. I also hope you are taking probiotics and paying attention to the benefits of a good diet that includes some butter and broccoli! (Here is a link to advanced advice about the system and how important it is to think about digestive health for mouth health: LINK

  • Roma Berry says:

    I am having difficulty with adhesives holding my new dentures in place. I remember several years ago I tried a new lip stick that was guaranteed to stay on for 8 hours. It did not, so I took it back to the store. the sales clerk called the company and they said I probably had “acidic saliva” and gave me a refund on the lip stick. With that being said, I was wondering if the denture adhesives don’t stick and hold has anything to do with acidic saliva?

    • I am sorry but I don’t know anyone who has looked at this problem ….On the other hand, xylitol could be helpful – since it changes mouth pH and gets rid of acidity. Why not give Zellie’s mints a try and let us know how it goes? Good luck!

  • Akbar says:

    I think I have a acidic mouth problem , when I eat anything containing sugar , after some time my mouth feels acidic it feels that until I rinse it with cold water or have ph control gum which is simple gum by extra which claims to increase ph. My teeth become yellow when ever I feel an acidic mouth

    • I’d suggest better quality gum – a kind of gum that really helps teeth…!
      Use this gum after every meal, snack and drink.
      Also check out the Complete Mouth Care System – and use this before you go to bed at night and also in the morning.

  • Jerry says:

    you drop a lot of brand names, are you being endorsed by Crest?: You do realize they stick plastic balls in their paste and that’s lodged in patients’ gums and has caused problems

    • I get no endorsements – and very little support from dental professionals.
      My main supporters are patients who have suffered – often for decades and sometimes longer – but who finally realize they are empowered to enjoy sustainable oral health….with less cleanings and healthy gums and teeth.

      Please be aware the ONLY toothpaste I recommend is the original formulation of Crest – never the one with the plastic pieces in it…nor the Pro Health that contains stannous fluoride – a tin-based fluoride that I believe is toxic to healthy biofilm.I discovered which products work and which do not over 46 years as a clinical dentist – asking patients, which products they use to clean their teeth.

  • Melissa says:

    I have 2 smallish cavities. My dentist says they are about half way thru the enamel. Is it possible to halt this decay and heal the enamel?

    • A cavity takes about a year to form, and most cavities will reverse in about 6 months. This is why the regular use of the Complete Mouth Care System will prevent cavities…since it repairs a tooth quicker than a cavity forms. You must be focused and disciplined. Cavities don’t repair without help. You should try to figure out what was the offending acidic habit – which could have been a hormonal upset or pregnancy, a period of stress, sinus or other infection, eating too much sugar or sugary drinks etc…Try to control what you can of this laundry list of “risk factors”…. then do this:
      Here are the main bullet points:
      Use the Complete Mouth Care System exactly (including consistent use of Zellie’s mints or gum after every meal, snack or drink)
      Use the Complete Mouth Care System twice daily – ALWAYS before bed at night – and ideally 3-times-a-day until the cavities heal.
      Consider a gluten and sugar-free diet – to “starve” harmful bacteria quicker.
      Drink drinks mainly at meal-times – and stop sipping (even water) for at least 3 hours every afternoon – to give undiluted saliva the chance to heal your teeth.
      Get a spouse or significant other to eat Zellie’s and preferably get on the program with you, so you do not keep getting re-infected from another source.
      Disinfect your toothbrushes EVERY day… Listerine, as explained in the program notes.
      Here is a link to the booklet: LINK

  • joy says:

    I have persistent helicobactor pylori. My mouth gets very dry and acid is an obvious problem. I do salt water rinses whenever I eat or drink. Is there anything else you can suggest to protect my teeth while waiting to resolve the infection?

    • When there is any bacteria imbalance it is important to start by building your immune system. This means a concentrated month of healthy eating – maybe gluten-free and eating only “real” food. Drinks are important – try to adjust to drinking teas or purchase high end water and try drinking only at mealtimes and eat and drink less between meals.
      Next consider what you are using for toothpaste. I recommend my Complete Mouth Care System – give up any toothpaste that contains triclosan or peroxide.
      If you are a gum chewer – be sure to only use 100% xylitol gum or candies – avoid sorbitol (which feeds bad bacteria).
      Finally consider a few months of a good probiotic – even if they cost you $40: it’s a dollar a day for health. I like Garden of Life that are gender specific – and are in many health stores, but be consistent – take them every day while you are eating healthy.
      When you protect your mouth and gut bacteria, and feed them a healthy diet – you will see amazing changes in a short time.
      We would love to hear your “end of the story” because I think you can be very successful without a lot of trouble…just give up sorbitol, cut out gluten for a while and limit sugar, drinks and keep eating to mealtimes as much as possible…with less snacking and sipping.

  • ddsedwards says:

    Always good advice Dr. Ellie!!

  • marie says:

    Novamin toothpaste works well too.You have to buy it on Ebay becasue you cannot get it in the states anymore but it will remineralize teeth.

    • There are a number of pastes advertised and marketed for remineralizing teeth. Ask a dentist if they have REALLY seen these pastes work – and the chances are they have not! You may be interested to know that there are financial connections between dental associations and many product companies.
      The Intellectual Property (IP) for Novamin is owned by the Research Institute of the ADA…..what does this mean…they make money from sales.
      Personally I put my trust in a $1.95 toothpaste found at Walmart…..I only promote the original, regular version of Crest (and you will never see this advertised or promoted) but it REALLY WORKS!!!

      • marie says:

        I have searched for Novamin user reviews(before i ordered online) and it seems like most everyone that uses it really stand buy it.I was able to buy some for 5 dollars a tube.I have severe demineralization and small cavities & some spots on x-ray forming on the edge of my front teeth.I will ask my dentist on next check up his opinion on the toothpaste and if there is improvement on my x-rays.

        • I followed the progress of Novamin over several decades. The first product was made with milk powder and it did not work. They may have improved it – and I really hope so- but I do know that if you use the Complete Mouth Care System (with Zellie’s after meals and snacks to protect your teeth) you should be able to easily avoid all your fillings. Also – it would be good to figure out the reason for your demineralization? What do you drink? Has something changed? etc…..

  • Rachel says:

    My daughter has trouble auth cavities… I have tried EVERYTHING! I have tested her PH and her saliva is very acidic.. She eats well… Watermelon, strawberries, broccoli, and even xylitol containing vitamins and gum. Her saliva is still very acidic! What else can I do?? I’m desperate!

  • Sonya says:

    Isn’t fluoride bad for overall health? From what I have read fluoride is actually toxin that has been used during warfare and it calcifies the pineal gland. What is your opinion on that? Thank you!

    • I am totally against drinking fluoride and against the adding of artificial fluoride to water supplies.
      Fluoride is a big subject and I have a dedicated chapter to fluoride in my book Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye.
      A tiny amount of a specific kind of fluoride called sodium fluoride, applied topically to the outside of teeth, can help them to mineralize and become stronger.
      If you have perfect teeth – you may not need fluoride. If you have cavities or weak teeth, the use of the products I recommend may help reverse enamel weakness and avoid the toxicity of fillings or sealants.

  • MaryH says:

    I am losing enamel on back of front teeth. During summer, I golf a lot and it is hot so I am drinking water constantly. What is the best advice for me as I need to constantly re-hydrate myself. Chew gum?

    • Loss of enamel is always associated with acidity. Chronic loss of enamel is usually associated with extreme and chronic acidity. Is there citrus in the water you drink? Lemon or lime? Is the water sparking? All these are real problems. Limit drinking to once an hour and use xylitol mints and gum in between. This is one suggestion and also you may want to drink water that you know is alkaline – like Evian or Fiji.

  • Andrew says:

    Thank-you for the article. I wanted to ask you how much over neutral mouth PH is safe? After eating a meal I rinse with salt water and the PH in my mouth is about 9, until I suck 1/2 g of Xylitol which brings my mouth PH down to 7 according to the PH strips I use. I have receded gums from years of over brushing so now brush twice daily with a soft bristled brush and rinse after meals to clear the spaces between my teeth of food debris. Is a PH of 9 or 10 damaging to tooth enamel and dentin and/gums?

  • Smita Thota says:

    Hi, I need help in figuring out why i keep getting cavities inspite of regular brushing and flossing. I have several fillings and crowns and bridge. I ran out of my insurance this year already and i was told that i have a crown to be set. I am completely off Sugar and processed foods. I am taking Vit D and calcium foods. I came across Zellies. Can i take xylitol directly? Your help is appreciated.

    • There is no “magic pill” to stop cavities but if there were – Zellie’s mints and gum would be the closest you can get.
      It’s important to understand that the problem of cavities is not really about sugar or mechanical “cleaning”.
      Try to see your teeth as if they were a coral reef in your mouth – a reef that is washed constantly by the oceans of liquids that flow over them and around them all day – and especially EVERY time you eat or drink.
      What are these liquids flowing around your teeth? Is your saliva acidic? How often do you eat or drink ANYTHING…even fruits or smoothies, juices, cider vinegar etc etc…even water?
      Only healthy saliva helps teeth – so we need to know how healthy is your saliva? This is why having Zellie’s – a mint or gum throughout the day is a huge help.
      But you also need to address how you prepare your teeth before bed at night. Teeth are damaged while we sleep. I have a developed a special system of mouth care: The Complete Mouth Care System – designed to prepare teeth to survive this difficult time every night – when dryness and mouth acidity can wreck your teeth.

  • Md Tajwar says:

    Can u suggest me home remedies and drugs to make my blood ,saliva,and mouth alkaline?

    • Changing your body pH is far more difficult and complex than working on mouth pH. Good eating habits are key: make vegetables 80% of every meal plate. Also cut out all soda and carbonated drinks. For mouth health it is best to end every meal, snack and drink with some Zellie’s mints and gum. These will alkalize the mouth for most people.

  • Wayne says:

    I understand Listerine will discolor the teeth, how does your system prevent this?

    • Hy Wayne,

      Thanks so much your great question. Listerine is a difficult mouth rinse because it is acidic (pH 4.2) and it contains alcohol (which dries the mouth). Acidity and dryness both cause demineralization (weakening) of teeth and promote the growth of problem plaque.Weak, plaque-covered teeth become dark and discolored. This is why teeth discolor if you use Listerine without first protecting tooth enamel from this acidic damage. I suggest Crest Cavity Protection toothpaste, because it has perfect ingredients that quickly mineralize the outside of enamel and put a virtual “force field” between the enamel surface and this acidity of Listerine.A toothpaste that contains glycerin may not do this, and it is essential to use a paste with silica and sodium fluoride – not chalk or stannous fluoride etc. Once the Listerine has been used as a vigorous rinse (to benefit the gums and remove immature plaque bacteria) we wash it out of the mouth with the final rinse – which does not contain any alcohol and does not dry the mouth. The ACT works even more efficiently in the acidic conditions provided by Listerine and ACT helps mineralize the outside of teeth and leave them HYDRATED (the perfect conditions for mineralization and hardening teeth).

  • Michael Gettelman says:

    The last few months my mouth has been “off.” Tongue slimy and painful, skin kinda flaky. Would ph level cause this?

    • What are you using for toothpaste and mouthrinse? My guess is that this is a sign of a total mouth imbalance caused by some kind of bad mouth care. I suggest you get on my Complete Mouth Care System and you should find that things will quickly improve.

  • Evie says:

    I purchased each of the ingredients for your system. I have had severe receding gums for decades now, and have lost a number of teeth already, plus one in the back right now with a hole that probably needs to go. I bought the system for my teens, and started using it myself. My mouth felt great; nice and clean, and fresh breath, even in the mornings. But within a week, my teeth got so sensitive, I had to stop. I could not even drink milk without cringing from the cold (on the inside of my teeth). Is it from the toothpaste? Or the listerine? (Which I had watered down). For years I have been using tooth powder, and often coconut oil, or mouthwash on my toothbrush to brush my teeth. Sometimes I have even used just salt water. I irrigate every night on the highest setting, and that had not hurt my gums, so not sure if it’s the chemicals or something abrasive in the toothpaste. My kids are still using the system, and I’d like to modify it for myself if possible.

    • hi Evie, this symptom is not possible if you are using the correct products, in the correct order and without any water rinsing between the steps. Ensure you have the proper kind of Crest paste – there are many kinds. Are you using the Closys and the ACT – you did not mention these? If you are truly following directions – then you cannot make your teeth more sensitive. Maybe you can take a photo of the products you have and send it to me to check you have the right things.

      • Evie says:

        Yes, used all 4 products. In the pic you can see how I lined them up in my kids’ medicine cabinet in the correct order, and I also taped the directions on the cabinet door for them. Since stopping, my teeth have gone back to “normal.” I use a lot of xylitol products. The last time I checked my mouth pH it was very alkaline. Here is a link to a page I’ve posted a pic of the products:

  • April says:

    Hi. I need to figure out why im getting so many cavities since having a baby 2 years ago. Every six month checkup I have more cavities . A lot which are at the gum line. I have recently started using your system. I need all the help I can get. Any ideas on what could be causing this? Nothing has changed except having a baby and I was also snacking a lot at night time.

    • My book Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye tells you everything you need to know about why you get cavities. It boils down to too much acidity (for various reasons from acidic saliva during pregnancy – which is normal – to drinking something acidic during the day) and most drinks area acidic (from juice to kombucha to diet soda). Mouth dryness is associated with mouth breathing – maybe you had braces, a sinus problem etc. Don’t rush to have cavities filled – you can reverse cavities and we have a boot camp starting in January to teach you how to do this!

  • gordon swanson says:

    do you include flossing in your 5 step oral care? do you have an opinion of waterpic use with periobright cleanse?

    • If someone is told to floss more, then flossing will not be the solution to their problem! Ha! That sounds contradictory at first glance, but most people are told to floss more when they have a gum INFECTION. Flossing is not a good way to address a gum infection. Also there is a risk that you could PUSH harmful bacteria into the blood if you floss around an infected area of your gum and this can be serious – and even worse for your health than the gum problem. So I have no problem with flossing in a healthy mouth – but don’t try and make your mouth healthy by flossing!

    • You also asked about the waterpic – and my answer is similar to my answer about flossing. I think a waterpic has great uses in a healthy mouth – especially for someone with braces or who has an arrangement of teeth that are challenging to brush. BUT I do not recommend a waterpic if you have periodontal pockets that you are trying to heal. My experience is that the force of the jet prevents new “hair-like” periodontal attachments from growing back and re-attaching the sides of the gum pocket. You can end up with gum pockets that never go away – and that is not healthy.

  • Kathy Hough says:

    For years since being treated for meningitis with Refampin, my tongue burns and I seem to have too much saliva in my mouth which is bitter, sour and burns the roof of my mouth, yet at night gets very dry and the taste is horrible. Can you tell me if you have any solution for this? No Dr has been able to help.
    Thank you so much for your time.

    • I have worked successfully with a number of clients who were desperate for help with “burning mouth”, ulcerations or a bad taste in their mouth. In all cases, these were women who had experienced a course of antibiotics that was associated or followed by food allergies, sinus and nasal issues, mouth and digestive problems and now their lives were stressful with discomfort, limitations or restrictions, and constant pain.

      I believe the answer is never in a tube of toothpaste. A paste or rinse may relieve symptoms temporarily but it may actually worsen oral health problems in the long term.
      I believe the answer is a holistic plan to improve mouth, sinus, and digestive health – all at the same time. I work additionally with my clients to improve their circulation, breathing, and habits – and find an answer to achieve stress reduction.

      The hardest part is always to convince weary and depressed clients that my strategies are different and that they are going to work!
      My ideas seem far too simple for patients who have spent years searching for solutions at enormous cost and meeting with top experts.

      The difference with my approach is that it involves making a few specific changes at the same moment: making the changes simultaneously so as to create a massive change in the biofilm health of the sinus, mouth, upper and lower digestive tract – ALL at the same time. Only motivated clients can do this – but it really works.

      If I can get clients to commit to my program and give me their best positive effort for a few weeks – their success is always stunningly quick and progressive. I think everyone has had tremendous relief within 4-6 months and managed to stop their debilitating symptoms, get off medications, lidocaine rinses and other restrictive and uncomfortable treatments. Some of these had been endured for years.

      I encourage anyone with a burning or sensitive mouth to consider my strategies. I will dedicate a section of my oral health training videos to this topic – which should launch soon. You can sign up here:

  • Esteri says:

    What do you think of swishing the mouth for a few seconds (or longer?) with a solution of a cup of water with a t of baking soda, right after eating anything to keep the mouth alkaline? Then I usually wait 30 min. to brush.

    • I never recommend baking soda because it dissolves important proteins (that form a layer of protection over our gums and teeth). We have known since the 1970s that long-term use of baking soda can lead to severe tooth sensitivity and gum recession – especially for women (who are often short on mouth proteins in the first place).
      I recommend Zellie’s xylitol gum or mints directly after meals – because they will help to alkalize the mouth and protect it from the acidity created by meals and eating.
      There is no science to suggest we need to brush our teeth after a meal. As your teeth become healthier, you will find that your teeth are less “sticky” and collect less food after eating. Baking soda, in fact, creates a dry “stickiness” on the surface of teeth which makes this happen!
      I recommend you find out more about my Complete Mouth Care System – and in a few months, I am sure you will see a big difference and have much cleaner feeling teeth!

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