Postponing a Root Canal

Dear Dr. Ellie:

Have you any information about postponing a root canal? Is there any treatment that can heal the roots? I was having pain. My dentist can’t locate the tooth but we think we know which one it is. I was on an antibiotic x 7day.. Pain and problem gone now. I have a root canal appointment scheduled. The office staff said I could postpone the appointment if I’m not being bothered at that time. I just want to heal it, if possible. Would like information if possible. thank you.


Dear LR,

Thank you for your message.

Unfortunately it is impossible for anyone to diagnose the reason for your pain from a description.
The pain may be from a dead tooth with an infection or it may have been inflammation in the gum around a tooth.

It can be very difficult to tell these two symptoms from each other.

I would be interested to know if your gums are in good health and also the general condition of your other teeth. An antibiotic course confuses the diagnosis because it suppresses inflammation so we don’t really know if you are “better’ or just “suppressed” for the time being.

In any case I feel that you would benefit from using the system of mouth rinses and xylitol that I recommend.
If gum inflammation caused your pain my system will help this heal and your symptoms should go away.

If you have a dead tooth and inflammation inside the tooth unfortunately nothing but a root canal will deal with this problem. You could try boosting your immune system with vitamins, good food, and other natural remedies for this.

I would start using the rinses that I recommend at least for a couple of weeks.

If the symptoms come back then it may be necessary for a root canal and crown to save this tooth. I wish I could help you more but at least you will be protecting your other teeth!

Good luck,

Ellie Phillips DDS
Dental Health for Everyone!
26 Corporate Woods,
Rochester NY 14623

Categories: Uncategorized


  • saynono says:

    NEVER NEVER NEVER let a dentist use formaldehyde, lead or mercury in a root canal. don't assume they won't…ASK ASK ASK. Its called Sargenti Paste/N2/RC2B/RC2W. The dentists who use it conceal it from the patient (even after harming them) because they know it is malpractice. The FDA rejected it based upon safety concerns, every state dental school teaches NOT to use it because it is below the standard of care. Injuries can be life altering and life threatening. We are two patients who will suffer life long problems because we didn't know to ask. The ADA does not recommend it, their endodontic board (AAE) is strongly against it… Don't take the chance….injuries are random and can show up months or years after a seemingly properly done root canal. ASK, SAY NO. Don't walk in our shoes.

  • Dr. Ellie says:

    I think root canal treatment can present a variety of health concerns.I believe that more research should be done on long term inflammatory health issues and possible origins from root canal treatments. I would suggest having a root canal done by someone expert in this field – ask around to find the best person.Materials used to fill a root canal may be health hazards – sealed into your tooth – but with possible access to your blood supply.I agree you need to ask lots of questions. I also believe that prevention – using healthy and simple things like xylitol – could eventually make massive tooth damage by caries obsolete. Ellie http://www.zellies.com26 Corporate WoodsRochester, NY 14623(585) 272-1270

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