Bleeding Gums at Dental Visits (BOP)

You may have been told to floss more, or perhaps you were on a never-ending series of treatments when you discovered Zellies. If you have followed the dosage recommendations and taken my advice, I am sure you (and your dentist) have noticed improvements.

For some people Zellies may be all they needed to “tip the balance” towards health. Other people have special challenges with their teeth and things (called risk factors) that put them at increased odds for cavities or gum disease. These people may need to take extra steps if they are to enjoy sustainable oral health and only need light cleanings and few treatments.

Certain oral health conditions are serious and important. Specific words must get your attention – so listen carefully if your dentist tells you that your gums bleed as he or she examines your mouth. This condition, known as “bleeding on probing” (BOP) was once believed to be about flossing. Now we know it is usually an antioxidant deficiency and poor circulation in the gums. Don’t ignore this problem, but there are better ways than flossing to remedy this problem.

The most effective steps are:

  1. To alkalize your mouth (read article: Change Your pH and Improve Your Teeth and Gums!)
  2. Eat healthy, veggie-rich meals
  3. Take a vitamin supplement with adequate A, C and B vitamins (at least, until this condition clears) (for more on vitamins for oral health read this article from
  4. Ensure you are absorbing nutrients by taking raw probiotics (pill form), plus a little pineapple or papaya with meals (for the digestive enzymes they contain).
  5. Add fermented food to your diet ( for example: organic yogurt, kafir or sauerkraut)

It would be wise to ensure you are brushing properly around your gums – ask your hygienist to show you areas you may be missing. Think about massaging your gums as you brush – on the inside and outside of your teeth – everywhere, morning and night. Disinfect your toothbrush and store it safely, away from others. Change your brush every month.

Passionate as I am about the benefits of xylitol, I am the first to admit that sometimes there is more to do for oral health than just eating Zellies!


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For more information on oral health and xylitol, please visit all of Dr. Ellie’s web-sites: – learn more & order your Zellies Xylitol & the Complete Mouth Care System
Dr. – a great resource for learning more about oral health & Dr. Ellie
Dr. E Oral Health Coaching – articles, resources and videos to help you learn more

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Categories: Gum Disease, Natural Solutions, Xylitol

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